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South Wake Reformed Presbyterian Church is a Church Plant in South Wake County and a preaching station governed by the Session of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Durham, which is under the Presbytery of the Alleghenies in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA).
We have prayer meeting hosted by a family in the congregation each Wednesday at 7pm, with fellowship beforehand at 6:30. Contact Pastor Poplin for more information on where we will be meeting for prayer.
There is also a Women's Bible Study hosted by a family in the congregation on the Third Thursday of each month. Contact Pastor Poplin for more information on where the Women's Bible Study is held.
We believe that the Bible alone regulates the doctrine, worship and the governance of the Church. We believe that there is one true and living God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - who alone is holy, sovereign and good, and is alone to be worshipped; and that the Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, is the only Savior of sinners, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, lived in perfect righteousness, died upon the cross as a substitution for His people, rose on the third day, ascended to heaven, and will return to judge the living and the dead.
We believe that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for the glory of God alone. We confess the Christian and reformed faith, as articulated and expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms.
We worship God according to the prescription of His Word alone, often called the Regulative Principle of Worship. Accordingly, we read the Word, pray to God, sing the Psalms exclusively without the use of musical instruments, the Word of God is preached, and receive God's benediction (blessing). For mission churches and organized congregations, the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper are regularly administered; but as a Preaching Station, sacraments are not yet being administered.